Transformative Solutions

Circular Economy Polymer cycle

Plastic recycling & trade

Plastic is one of the most versatile materials in the world, yet it comes with significant downsides. Recycling plays a crucial role in the circular economy by reducing reliance on virgin materials and lowering energy consumption. Additionally, the wholesale trading of sorted plastic waste and regranulates facilitates collaboration among various stakeholders in the recycling ecosystem. In our portfolio, polymerCycle is evolving into a comprehensive one-stop shop for the plastic regranulate value chain, with two group companies already integrated into this platform.
Plastic recycling & trade

Best Plastic Management Group


pb solutions


Roof Energy Services

Wierig Group


JNS Dachtechnik


Schmidt Bedachung


Electrificiation: DEZ Solutions

Roof Energy Services

Upgrading industrial buildings’ flat roofs includes improving insulation and installing rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. We are tackling this challenge through DEZ Solutions, an initiative in Germany that embodies the concepts of Roof, Energy, and Future (Dach, Energie, Zukunft). DEZ Solutions unites three prominent companies specializing in energy-efficient flat roof refurbishment.

Electrificiation: DEZ Solutions

Roof Energy Services

Upgrading industrial buildings’ flat roofs includes improving insulation and installing rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. We are tackling this challenge through DEZ Solutions, an initiative in Germany that embodies the concepts of Roof, Energy, and Future (Dach, Energie, Zukunft). DEZ Solutions unites three prominent companies specializing in energy-efficient flat roof refurbishment.

Roof Energy Services

Wierig Group


JNS Dachtechnik

JNS Dachtechnik


Schmidt Bedachung

Schmidt Bedachung


Electrification: Wind Energy Services Platform

Wind Energy Services

Leveraging wind energy presents significant opportunities for reducing carbon emissions, and the evolution of wind turbines has led to larger and more sophisticated designs. This advancement has given rise to a complex value chain surrounding wind turbine generators (WTGs), encompassing numerous specialized processes needed to maximize the technology’s potential. Our portfolio unites two leading companies from Denmark and Germany within our Wind Energy Services platform.

Wind Energy Services

Vento Energy Support

