Accelerating the global scale-up of wind power
As a clean, competitive, and local energy source, wind power is a cornerstone of the global and European energy transition. Today, it accounts for 20% of Europe’s electricity demand, with the EU Commission targeting more than 50% by 2050. To achieve this target, wind power capacity (currently 220 GW) needs to grow to an estimated 1,300 GW. This growth is planned to come from onshore but also offshore installations.
In the light of these developments, Vidia Climate Fund I is set to further the scale-up of wind power generation with its third platform investment. Ven-to ApS (Ven-to) is a leading provider of installation, maintenance, and production services for on- and offshore wind power. With its excellent quality of service and skilled technician base, Ven-to is catering to a growing annual wind power installation and maintenance demand.
Founded and headquartered in Denmark, the company employs more than 400 people serving customers primarily in Europe and globally. With a diverse service portfolio and international reach, Ven-to is a preferred partner for its demanding customers.
Wind power at scale is driving decarbonization and electrification
Ven-to is emblematic for Vidia’s investment strategy: With a highly competitive service offering in a demanding environment, the company contributes to the decarbonization of electricity generation. As wind power grows and technical demands increase, there is a rising need for highly skilled and scalable service capabilities, Ven-to is well-positioned to meet.
“Ven-to has developed into a preferred partner for international blue-chip customers to realize their ambitious growth plans,” says Stephan Rosarius, Founding Partner at Vidia. “The wind industry is developing dynamically and needs capable players to sustain the pathway towards decarbonization. We are looking forward to supporting Ven-to’s next development phase in a strong partnership with the founder and management team.”
Ven-to’s next development phase
The Ven-to team and Vidia plan to further scale the organization to meet the demands of the growing market and the increasing complexity of the wind power industry. Next to improving scalable processes and systems, it is key to develop organizational resources, particularly in terms of onboarding and training of qualified personnel. Such initiatives need to be harmonized across the expanding international operating footprint of Ven-to to ensure the highest level of service and reliability to its customers and to safeguard sustainable growth.
In addition, Vidia and Ven-to aim at selectively acquiring and partnering with other specialized service providers to complement both the existing service portfolio and the geographic reach. Particularly smaller players would benefit from the capacities of a larger group to unlock their growth potential.
“We want to continue to seize the growing market opportunities we see in the wind industry,” says Henrik Brink, founder of Ven-to. “We chose Vidia as an entrepreneurial and operational partner to develop Ven-to even further. We are eager to scale the current organization and realize our growth potential together with Vidia.”